In-Person Soothe Your Nervous System with Ayurvedic Plant Medicine & Nourishing Self Care
with Bashari George

October 8 (Saturday)
at 2:00 pm

Class length
150 minutes

downtown oakland

In this in-person workshop, self-care is a form of radical self-love. It is about caring for all parts of the self, even the parts covered by grief or shame. It’s when we start to nurture and integrate these parts that the beauty and the magic happen.

These past couple of years have pushed our nervous systems into a constant state of high alert. This ongoing state of nervous system upregulation profoundly impacts all of our bodily systems. 

Just as we feed our bodies with nourishing food we must also nourish and feed our nervous systems with self-care practices and herbal allies to feel more grounded and aligned.

In Ayurveda, there is a deep understanding that we are nature's reflection. We are a microcosm of the macrocosm. As we move into Fall (Vata season) the weather becomes cooler and dryer. The wind picks up its pace and the heat of the sun becomes lighter, more gentle. Vata, made up of Ether and Air, is intrinsically connected to the nervous system. It controls movement in our body, such as breath, circulation, excretion and is related to the sense of touch. As Vata rises in our external environment it also rises in us. We must take steps to help regulate it if we want to stay in balance. 

With this understanding, I felt called to create this offering. My deepest desire is that we can hold each other in community, to be deeply nourished, calm outside noise, and listen to our inner wisdom. Join us as we begin to unwind whatever is holding us back from showing up as our fullest expression. Our authentic self living in our joy. 

During this 2.5-hour retreat you will learn:

  • Daily sacred self-care practices to create more ease and show up in your joy.

  • Meditation and Breathwork techniques to nurture your nervous system.

  • Powerful plant medicine to feed and support nervous system regulation.

The retreat is held at Kokoro Clinic | 339 15th St. 

October 8th 2-4:30pm $36, $54 or $81 Sliding Scale. '

Please refer to the graphic below to reflect on where you fall on the sliding scale. Limited partial scholarships are available, please email jananipremaayurveda@gmail to inquire.



I am Bashari, I come from a lineage of powerful women, healers, artists, and mothers who fought fiercely for their children. I am an Ayurvedic practitioner who supports women in navigating the arch of womanhood with sacred wisdom practices to cultivate a deeper connection with our inner selves, our bodily knowing, and our authentic power.

I am here in service to women who have been dismissed or unseen in their search for full-body health and wellness. Whose essences both physically and spiritually have become obscured by the toxicity of how our society treats the feminine. We can claim our power back. We can fully inhabit our bodies and our desires. What parts of you are hiding in fear of being truly seen? What forgotten parts need love and nourishment and the safety of surrender? There is a home for you here.


Throughout my journey through womanhood from amenorrhea (the absence of a period) to a healthy pregnancy to postpartum healing my questioning and inner knowing were dismissed by western medicine. I survived a traumatic birth experience and obstetric violence. My healing journey has been a process of unfolding, of accessing deeper parts of myself. We must face our trauma in order to release it but grief is not meant to be held alone. It is through connection to nature, the divine, ritual, meditation, and beloved community that we heal. There is a rupture but there is always repair. I found my medicine within holistic health and Ayurveda. I also uncovered my voice and found the courage to use it in support of others seeking healing.

When we return to our bodies we connect with the earth, with our universal selves. We celebrate the lush abundance of our being. That we are enough just in our beingness, not based on our productivity. When we nourish our bodies this visceral knowledge grows. The ability to receive grows in the right relationship to the ability to give. 

I want to live in a world where we give each other permission. Permission to release the weight of grief and shame. Permission to take up space and be witnessed. To be truly seen, celebrated, and held in all our messy complexity and imperfection. To be real, raw, and messy in our humanness. We are each other's medicine.


  • M.A. in Ayurveda, Mount Madonna Institute College of Ayurveda, 2022

  • Apprenticeship with Dr. Rucha Kelkar, Ayurbliss 2021

  • Apprenticeship with Dr. Vivek Shanbhag, Natural Medicine & Ayurveda 2021

  • INNATE Traditions Postpartum Care Certification Training 2020

  • Ayurvedic Bodywork Apprenticeship with Ayurvedic Practitioner Martin Lemke 2014

  • Ayurvedic Health Counselor Certificate Program, Mount Madonna Institute College of Ayurveda, 2012 

  • Yearly workshops and Clinical Observation with Dr. Sarita Shresta

  • Yoga and Meditation personal practice 17 years

  • B.A. in International Studies and Art, New College of California, 2007

  • Youth Development work and group facilitation, 2007-2016

  • Dance and movement teacher and performer, 2000- 2015

  • Mother to an amazing, sweet, inquisitive 6-year-old son, 2016