Soulflow Oakland & SoulFlow Pinole

Hatha Flow
with Satya de la Paz

November 15 (Wednesday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

downtown oakland

Build strength and flexibility while cultivating mindfulness in this all levels Hatha flow Yoga class. At times we will move more dynamically and at other times we move slowly. This class is beginner friendly as often instructors will break down poses or sequences. Poses will be tailored to suit individual students through the use of modifications and props. Each class has a unique, inspiring theme and personalized instruction to cultivate safety and body awareness.

This is a radically inclusive space open to all races, genders, immigration statuses, abilities, religions, sexual orientations, sizes, and levels of experience. 

For classes, we have some extra Yoga mats and props. Please arrive at least 5 minutes early so we can start on time. 

Activity level: moderate

Satya de la Paz teaches on Wednesdays & Saturdays in Oakland
Alexxis Lomack teaches on Fridays in Pinole

Satya de la Paz (she/her) is a Queer, Multiracial, Black Womxn offering 15 years of experience teaching Yoga, dance, and meditation. Satya offers Yoga as a means of collective and personal liberation and decolonization. She infuses dynamic alignment, chanting, storytelling, and community-building into her classes. She recently completed a 2 year mindfulness teacher training program led by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. She is deeply grateful for all her teachers including Spring Washam, Sianna Sherman, Abby Tucker, Rob Preece, and Sally Kempton. Honoring the traditions of Hatha Yoga, Tantra Yoga, and Tibetan Buddhism, she empowers multiracial, multi-gender, and multigenerational groups to awaken their true nature of awareness and bliss. 
Alexxis is a Certified Hatha Yoga instructor with a specialty in scoliosis & spinal fusion. She became a yoga instructor because she naturally gained more confidence, physical empowerment, and mental and emotional clarity through her practice. She has always wanted to heal people and yoga allows her to hold space for those who desire holistic healing. Her dedication for preserving the practice of yoga stems from a core belief that every person deserves a moment with themselves to reconnect with their body. Alexxis is passionate about supporting others during the turbulent moments of life. Her intention is to guide the practitioner while offering them key tools to practice independently. Outside of yoga, Alexxis is a spiritual and metaphysical enthusiast, happy hour attender, psychology lover, adventurer, and certified nap girl :) 
