Soulflow Oakland & SoulFlow Pinole

Meeting Grief with mindfulness: A Daylong of nature, Yoga, dance, meditation, & beloved community
with Satya and Flea

November 5 (Sunday)
at 10:00 am

Class length
390 minutes


Come join us as we ritualize our grief in conscious community to acknowledge, listen to, and tend to the heart. Grief and its accompanying experiences like depression, numbness, and anger can be overwhelming to work through alone. 

We welcome you to this gathering in the expanse of your grief: whether your grief is surviving the loss of a loved one, a breakup, a life transition, or bearing witness to the calamities of our planet. Whether your grief is from experiencing or witnessing police violence, gun violence, domestic terrorism, and COVID-19, we welcome you in the full range of your grief and invite you to steep in the medicine while we will draw upon nature and co-create rituals through an array of modalities including yoga, dance, meditation, and community-building. 

Each modality will offer different ways to explore how our loss can be a doorway to grief and joy. No experience is necessary, just a curiosity about tapping into the wisdom of our bodies, hearts, and minds. There is one full scholarship and one partial scholarship available for this workshop. Please email: [email protected] to request. 

Address: Pinole 656 Quinan St

Carpooling available from Oakland. 

Early bird pricing: $108-$216 before 11/3

Regular pricing: $144-$307 after 11/3

*Organic, Plant forward, Vegan or Paleo lunch included* Most dietary restrictions can be accommodated. Email with any concerns.

Satya de la Paz (she/her)

 is a Queer, Multiracial, Black Womxn offering 14 years of experience teaching Yoga, dance, and meditation. Satya offers Yoga as a means of collective and personal liberation and decolonization. She infuses dynamic alignment, chanting, storytelling, and community-building into her classes. She recently completed a 2 year mindfulness teacher training program led by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. She is deeply grateful for all her teachers including Spring Washam, Sianna Sherman, Abby Tucker, Rob Preece, and Sally Kempton. Honoring the traditions of Hatha Yoga, Tantra Yoga, and Tibetan Buddhism, she empowers multiracial, multi-gender, and multigenerational groups to awaken their true nature of awareness and bliss. 

Flea (Felicia Tripp)

I am a dancer, healer, and lover of social justice and wellness.  As a nature-based, somatic life and career coach, with 10+ years of experience, I step into every meeting intending to listen with my body, mind, and heart and offer a healing space where clients can tap into their bodies, minds, and hearts to discover themselves and create change as they desire. Somatics and nature-based healing approaches, including Karen Roeper’s Essential Motion and Raynelle Rino’s Radical By Nature, inspire my offerings. Becoming a healer with embodied listening and movement as my tools, I have unearthed ways to call upon nature for support to enhance my own and others' goals/visions while tapping into interconnectedness. My offerings include somatic life and career coaching, grief work, and coaching training in higher education.
