Soulflow Oakland & SoulFlow Pinole

Halloween Tea Party
with Lucia Cisilotto

October 31 (Tuesday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

downtown oakland

Join our Halloween Tea Ritual, Preparing for Darkness

Join us in celebrating the spirit of Dia de los Muertos at our Halloween circle where we joyfully honor the departed. For this circle you get a +1, invite someone who passed away, an ancestor, or any being from the deceased realm, with whom you would love to spend an evening, have a cup of tea with, and share a moment together, in a celebratory fashion. A moment to honor them, share stories, celebrate death, and acknowledge the natural cycle of life and death, in a circle with other explorers. We'll create an altar to honor our departed loved ones, offering their favorite earthly items, marigold flowers, and candles to guide them back for a night of remembrance and joy.

As we come together for our Halloween circle, we ask that you bring a photo of the person you're inviting, along with any items or offerings that evoke a sense of happiness and joy for them. For example, a favorite flower, a favorite food, personal belongings, artwork, or a few photos.

This event explores consciousness through play and ritual, a day to celebrate death the way we celebrate life.

Halloween funky accessories are encouraged and welcomed. I'll bring my Grandma with me!

In the rush of everyday modern life, sometimes it's hard to find space to connect with people who are not longer with us, to make space for relationships that have been and continue to be meaningful in our lives to provide the space for renewal in those bonds, to make contact and feel the love of the many people who have loved us and that we will continue to love. This event provides tools to honor them, to feel their love in our current life, to allow ourselves to feel blessed by their existence in our lives, to send and receive joy from them.

Itinerary for our Evening:

1. Gathering and Welcome to everyone in our circle as people settle in the space.
2. Opening our Circle: honoring death and opening space for relating to people who are no longer with us and that we continue to love, introducing each explorer, sharing stories, and introducing the person you'd like to have tea with. Looking ahead at the hardships of winter as we prepare for darkness.
3. Setting Intentions and Altar
4. Group Meditation: we will be doing a somatic exploration with sound healing for each participant to explore their bond and express anything that they would like to express in this moment.
5. Tea Ceremony: we will be drinking tea with the person you are bringing in as an offering.
6. Sharing, Discussion and Support in our Circle among explorers. 
7. Closing Ceremony

This pop-up explores consciousness through play and ritual. Please bring your Halloween props (outfits, hats, whatever feels good for our event). A day to celebrate our loved ones and embrace darkness together as winter approaches.

Address: 339 15th St. Oakland, Ca 94612
sliding scale early bird: $36-63 
Reg price: $45-72 

Lucía Cisilotto (she/they) is a trained therapist, transpersonal artist, and workshop host. She has an MA in Integral Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) and a background in Energetic Healing Practices. She’s the founder of Embodying - a regeneration catalyst. She creates immersive healing experiences within group spaces that promote agency and self-empowerment for individuals, partners, and groups.

Lucía holds extensive training in different disciplines such as Body-oriented Therapies (Gestalt Awareness Practice, Hakomi, the Expressive Arts, Movement, Bioenergetics), Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Energetic Healing Practices (Tibetan Singing Bowls, Reiki, Ritual, Tribal Group Processes, Wicca), Ancestral Healing (Thomas Hübl at the Academy of Inner Science) and Counseling Skills and Relationship Dynamics (Esther Perel, EFT). For each workshop, she curates the best combination of Therapies and Practices to promote awareness, agency, and embodiment.
