Mindful Beginnings
with Anna Davda

August 13 (Tuesday)
at 7:15 pm

Class length
75 minutes

405 14th st, Oakland, CA

This 6 week guided class will meet weekly on Tuesday nights beginning August 6. Each participant will set a personal goal around the theme of transitions and new beginnings and work to take steps toward it in community with other classmates. Each class will begin with 15 minutes of yoga and meditation, followed by 60 minutes of class, large and small group discussions. The class content is rooted in mindfulness & action learning and is limited to 20 participants. All participants will also be a part of a pod with 2-3 other participants. Each pod is expected to meet (in person or virtually) for 30 minutes each week outside of class.



Anna is a certified mindfulness meditation teacher and coach. She has worked in leadership & learning for the past 20 years in corporate & educational settings. She has coached clients all over the world in topics of career development, leadership, self-awareness & intentional living. 


Scholarships available. Please use the code partialscholarship or fullscholarship at check out. Please review these guidelines before using scholarship funds:

We offer tiered, class-equitable, pay-what-supports-you pricing.


We believe that pricing can and should be a joyful act of service that creates stronger communities. Our model is inspired by the Green Bottle Model from Worts + Cunning.


We also want to help create a conscious, intentional and value-aligned culture of payment.


Please read the following criteria and determine which price is appropriate for you:


Highest price: You have access to financial security, own property, or have personal savings; if you are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worrying about securing necessities in your life; if you have economic privilege and power in our community, this price is for you.


Middle price: You may be paying off debt or working to build savings, but you also have access to steady income. You do NOT struggle to meet basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, child care, etc.


You might have to cut back on some discretionary spending in your life (such as going out to dinner, buying coffee, buying a new outfit, or going on vacation), but the sacrifice is short-term, and will not harm you in the long term.


Lowest price: You have access to basic needs such as food, housing, and childcare, though sometimes it may feel difficult. You are able to save money/month each week to be able to pay for these sessions.


Reflecting honestly about your financial situation and paying at a level you can afford helps us to grow a healthy and sustainable community. It also respects the work of a Black-led organization & predominantly Black, Brown, & LGTBTQ workers.


Because only you know your financial situation, we leave the choice of what to pay entirely up to you. We trust that you know your finances best and know what is appropriate. The guidelines are there as just that--a structure to help you see where you fit.